Mfer Rankings
Curious to learn how you stack up against other Mfers in Yew Nork?
Last updated
Curious to learn how you stack up against other Mfers in Yew Nork?
Last updated
Interacting in the Old Money ecosystem increases your score and boosts your rank.
Each epoch (every 5 days) your total points are tallied to give you a score. Your score is then compared to every other Mfer to give you a rank for that epoch.
Your ranking is calculated by several categories that give you points for NFT ownership, changes to your NFTs, roles you have, events you participate in, and achievements you have unlocked.
Holding our NFTs each epoch gives you points based on each NFT's details.
When determining the rankings for each epoch, your wallets are validated in real-time to ensure that you hold the NFTs at that moment in time.
There are special NFTs give you additional points on top of the normal points for owning the NFT.
Below is a breakdown of the points awarded for owning each NFT.
Policy: 2aec93fa65aaedaf2fc0aa46c3ace89c0c8e091ed5f39b8f8127e664
NFT | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Policy: a4c45615825acae7c4937ee4d45d2ff9a29328084e2dc34bf4af37b2
Policy: c6472c03797bbc6973a628e6c25fc67cc65dbc9067cfac3ac630f16a
Policy: b8032e903708f429b2cad06f6dbec5d2f75f9ef320a635acf5e6ab12
Policy: 3bcc312ebe7cd9281ab3e3d641bf70f207012e539b0e6e7c3f1560d7
Policy: 13f58336e1e11cea3ee956e0311a4ab81fc53de79400b0e019bff5c5
This collection is an ongoing mint, current number of total assets per Coin can be found here.
Policy: 4552d6234e2a9cf2615220f9dbe1b233c4c2dccbc8d872dcae9a3795
This collection is an ongoing mint, there are 9 2Bill and 0 MXBill assets in existence.
In our ecosystem there are events that can occur which alter the history of your NFT.
You can find the history of your NFT by viewing it on Xesserson House.
Currently, NFT Events are tracked but not implemented in the Ranking calculations.
Here is a list of possible NFT Events that can occur.
You can be granted Roles in the Old Money ecosystem which unlock a multitude of things, one being a possible boost to your ranking.
Roles are based on NFT ownership which means you can lose a Role previously gained if you no longer hold the proper NFTs. Therefore you will also lose the associated bonus of that Role.
Currently, Roles are tracked but not implemented in the Ranking calculations.
Here is a list of Roles that have an effect on your ranking.
Being a Mfer in Yew Nork means interacting in our ecosystem in various ways.
By performing certain actions your score can increase for a temporary period of time.
Since Mfer Events only affect your ranking temporarily there is a decay mechanism for each event in which the number of points that is adds to your score decreases over time until it reaches zero.
Currently, Mfer Events are not implemented.
Here is a list of Mfer Events that may an effect on your ranking.
Some of the interactions you have in Yew Nork are worth of permanently earning a boost to your score.
When you earn an Achievement, the additional points added to the ranking calculation forever
Currently, Achievements are not implemented.
Here is a list of Achievements that may an effect on your ranking.
What do I need to be ranked?
Connect your wallet at Jealous Island and have at least 1 Old Money NFT.
I'm not ranked and I connected my wallet.
Ranking only happens every epoch (5 days) so you have to wait until the next one starts.
How do I see my Mfer Ranking, compare myself to others, or find someone specific?
Head to the Rankings on our website or use the /rank
commands in Discord.
The epoch changed but my ranking didn't update.
Rankings are generated after the epoch starts and everyone is analyzed which takes time.
My ranking changed but it's not a new epoch
If new versions of the Mfer Rankings are released, it will trigger a new ranking to occur.
Can I see my ranking history?
We track your ranking history but currently don't have a visualization for it.
What's the purpose of being ranked?
Rankings are a flex. Anything else is speculation that won't be commented on at this time.
Can I have my NFTs listed on the secondary market and still have them contribute to my rank?
No, they must be in one of your connected wallets and not a smart contract.
Will I lose my ranking if I disconnect my wallet?
Yes, until the next epoch in which you will be reranked as long as you have at least 1 Old Money NFT.
If I have an NFT that has multiple special attributes does it stack?
Yes, you get the bonus for every special attribute the NFT contains.
Current Mfer Rankings Version: 2.1
Added WENBOY 2 with extra bonuses for Covers and Pages and fixed Half Aristotle points
Introduced new public algorithm and plans for future updates
Showing the points for each NFT publicly in the Xesserson House and Billitary commands
Showing the total points for each Mfer on the Rankings list
Showing the point differential between each Mfer in the Rankings list
Showing the point differential between each Mfer in the Rankings Billitary commands
Showing and recording a history of ranking each epoch for each individual Mfer
Showing and recording a history of all ranked Mfers each epoch
Add additional details to the Billitary post on Rankings including top new entries, biggest gainers, biggest losers, top 50 mfers
Add a way to see 25 Mfers above your rank and 25 Mfers below your rank with scores
Introduce NFT events to all NFTs and not just $0.2 Bils
Add the ability for NFT events to boost the score
Add the ability for Roles to boost the score
Add the Mfer Event system and the ability for Mfer Events to boost the score
View the NFT events for each NFT when using the Billitary commands
Dynamic score boosts based on floor prices of certain metadata attributes
Minting a Mfer Club NFT that boosts a specific metadata attribute under a policy
Showing a single Mfers NFTs, roles, achievements, events, score calculation, and more on the website
Add the ability to have non-official Old Money policies count as part of the NFT ownership score calculation
Add the ability for the Bongress to show Voting based on Score
Add the ability for the House of Mfers to show Upvoting based on Score
Special NFT | Total Assets | Extra Points |
NFT | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Special NFT | Total Assets | Extra Points |
NFT | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Special NFT | Total Assets | Extra Points |
Color | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Stamp Color | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Special NFT | Total Assets | Extra Points |
Coin | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Back | Total Assets | Points Per NFT |
Event | Implemented | Points Per Event |
Role | Implemented | Points Per Role |
Event | Implemented | Points Per Event |
Achievement | Implemented | Points Per Achievement |